Sunday, 15 June 2014

Second Attempt - Half Double Stitch Method

Hi All!

After my first crochet attempt using the single stitch method, I decided to challenge myself further by crocheting using the half double stitch method, which is different from a single stitch in wrapping a loop around the hook before it goes into the loop to stitch, and only pulling it through one of the loops instead of all of the loops. 

Half Double Crochet example
I started by looking on Youtube for videos related to the half double crochet method and found a few good ones, but most of them were going too fast for me to comprehend. This method seemed to be much harder at first because I had to add more loops before pulling into the first number of chains that I made.

For this method, I used the same kind of yarn from my first attempt and a crochet hook, and began crocheting. This method made the process much faster for me. I made the loops a bit longer to make the headband thicker and also tried making my loops tighter so that the headband was more appealing.
First row of half double stitch

 As I continued on, I tried keeping my rows consistent and in a modular form as opposed to the first attempt that I did. It was challenging to move from my first row to my second row without curving it and each row took me a while to complete at first.
Getting there
 I stitched each row until the headband started to become thicker. At this point, my hands are in pain from the constant stitching and the positioning of my hands. My rows started to become rounder as I tried to tighten it by pulling firmly onto the yarn. I eventually loosed a few of the loops and started over.

Finally, I finish about 30 and some rows of chains using this method to fit the headband around my head. To make it more appealing, I added a knot in the front of my headband using the single stitch method and slid it onto the headband before crocheting the ends together.

Viola! A perfectly stitched headband using the half double stitch method.

As you can see, a lot of my rows are uneven, especially the beginning and ends rows, which was a struggle using this method as one side of the headband was bigger than the other side. All in all, I had so much fun doing this method and couldn't wait to be done to try it on.

Final Product
 In my final iteration, I will be attempting the double stitch technique and correcting my mistakes further from crocheting this headband during my second attempt.

Thanks for reading!

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