Friday, 30 May 2014

First Attempt- Single Stich Crochet

Hi All!

I attempted my very first crochet project this weekend making a headband using the single stitch method. It was so fun and challenging all at the same time, but I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it. 

Single Stitch example

I crocheted using a 5.50mm crochet hook and Size C yarn that I found at the Dressew fabric store in Vancouver and searched a few videos on Youtube to see exactly which method was the easiest to begin with and was ideal for beginners. Some of the techniques I found for stitching was cluster stitch, double stitch, half-double stitch, single stitch and triple stitch, but the easiest was the single stitch method. The methods differentiate based on the number of loops being interlocked into the fabric as you stitch.

Before starting anything, I measured my head to see how many rows I would need to crochet to obtain a full headband. I began by creating a loop around my crochet hook and using the crochet hook to make a chain out of the yarn using about ten or more loops to create my first row for the headband.

First chain

Curly crochet rows
Following that process, I had to create another chain which would create the second row, but this time, I had to lock it into the first chain using the single stitch method and continue on until made about 30 or more rows. The size of my headband was 22 inches, but I made it a bit shorter since the headband turned out to be stretchy.

The most challenging part for me was first, making straight rows that weren't too tight. My headband kept curling up into a ball because of it being too tight.

Second row attempt
A lot of times, I had to pull the loops out to start the row over because it wasn't forming how I wanted it to. Another challenge I had was keeping the headband length and size consistent. It was really hard for me stay focused on where to form my next row when turning the crochet project to the other side and eventually, I ended up figuring it out that I should form an extra loop when turning to avoid there being less loops in a row.

Almost done
The last part was a bit easy because I had already learned the logistics and method of single stich crocheting and I just had to repeat the process, but joining the two ends together to seal the crochet and tying at the end.

I had a lot of fun doing this iteration and it was intertwined with a lot of frustration, laughs, excitement and crying! Yes, crying! lol

I'm hoping in my next iteration, I can experiment with the double stitch method to see if I can master this art and hopefully create a more designed headband as well.

Thanks for reading!

Crocheted together
Final headband

Excited as ever. Can you see it? lol

Yayyyy. All done


  1. Looks good Yadira!!! I've tried crocheting before...but wasn't a success so I understand why you cried (hahaha). I'm really excited for your next headband.

    You've noted down the different techniques to crocheting, but it'd be helpful to know about each technique. You were saying that you're going to be experimenting with double stitching. Are you planning to add any additional materials like beads?

    Just an idea, since you've made a thin headband, how about designing a larger headband (expands over half of your head)? It'd be interesting to see how the material can withstand the stretch!


    1. Thanks for the feedback Victoria! It was extremely frustrating. Cried more than I laughed lol.

  2. Yadira, congratulations on finishing your first version! It looks great! I've tried crocheting, too, and I found that while the learning curve was steep, once I got going I improved quickly - I know you will, too! I can never remember the different stitches, though, so I always find YouTube videos helpful. It's so much easier to follow a video than written instructions for something like this. And don't be afraid of double stitch - it's a little harder, but your work will go so! fast!

    1. Thank you for the feedback Tara. It was definitely a great learning experience

  3. Hey Yadira!

    The documentation of your crochet process is in depth, which is great! The first iteration of the hair band looks awesome. Keep it up :)

  4. Hi Yadira. Wow I am amazed by your first crochet attempt! I have never crochet before but I am inspired to give it a try. Your knotted headband is very cute!

    I must confess, I find crocheting to be intimidating! I’ve tried knitting but that was a long time ago. I found out the more I got into it, the process became relaxing, almost meditative, and addicting. I remember when I first started, I too was emotional at times. Funny how a tangle of knots turn into a tangle of emotions.

    Also I like the mix of colours of your yarn. Thank you for taking plenty of photos and sharing your process and experience.

    1. Awwwwwww lol It gets better and better as you learn through different videos. I found it hard at first, but I love it so much now I can't put my hook down! lol You should definitely give it another try. It's really rewarding once you're done and you see the end product

  5. I have tried crochet. It is an interesting activity for the patience it requires. I have given up on it though! Figuring out how to be consistent in the tightness/looseness of the stitch is very challenging, but you seem to have figured it out already through your first iteration. Looking forward to see the next ones !

    1. Thanks Milene! I know, that was another one of my struggles. It's easy once you get it but starting out killed me

  6. Yadira, I really love how your headband has so many colors! It really looks great, especially when you brought it to class. Not only does it have a nice cozy feel to it, it really feels so soft. Amazing effort for your first crochet attempt!
